Stevens Authority 2023 Fuel Reduction Projects



This Fuel Reduction Project was developed through a collaborative effort between the EDC Fire Safe Council, the Georgetown Divide Resource Conservation District, the El Dorado Resource Conservation District and private landowners. The goal of the project is to reduce ladder fuels in priority areas while maintaining quality of work, environmental protection and client satisfaction.


The proposed Project addresses the risk of wildfire and would directly reduce wildfire potential to forests and adjacent communities within the Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI). The Project has four distinct units where fuels management will take place:

1) Sierra Springs Shaded Fuelbreak

2) Volcanoville Roadside Fuel Reduction

3) Grizzly Flats Fuel Reduction

4) Mosquito Fuel Reduction


Grizzly Flats Right of Entry

Mosquito Right of Entry

Volcanoville Right of Entry

Grizzly Flat and Mosquito Scope of Work

Volcanoville Scope of Work


Specific objectives include:

1) Support an all-lands approach to create fire resilient and fire-adapted communities,

2) Use existing fuel breaks and forest treatments to create large, more fire resilient fuel breaks,

3) Protect communities, infrastructure, and forest resources within the \VUI,

4) Conduct vegetation prescriptions to reduce fire hazard, improve tree growth, and increase forest resiliency;

5) Conduct vegetation prescriptions to reduce the rate of spread, duration and intensity, and fuel ignition of crowns;

6) Retain or enhance ecosystem processes compatible with the fuel hazard reduction prescription;

7) Utilize the project as an educational opportunity to increase community awareness associated with living in a WUI;


Examples of Fuel Reduction Treatments - Before and After Photos

For questions or more information please contact:

Courtney Jackson, Community Engagement Coordinator Phone: 530-295-0120 or Email: