Fire Adapted 50: Sierra Nevada Conservancy Phase (Sly Park) is part of a series of wildfire fuels reduction projects to be completed through Fire Adapted 50 (FA50), an innovative all-lands approach to increasing forest ecosystem fire resiliency and fire adapted communities along the Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) of the U.S. Highway 50 corridor. In addition to its inclusion in FA50, the Sly Park Vegetation Management Project occurs within the South Fork American River Cohesive Strategy (SOFAR), a priority landscape management unit. Both FA50 and SOFAR exemplify the current state of the Sierra Nevada as evidenced by the devastating effects of recent fires (including the 2014 King Fire), drought and insect associated tree mortality and the susceptibility of human communities, ecosystems and watersheds to such catastrophic events. The project has leveraged a collaboration between long-time partners to implement ecologically sound forest restoration work on a large-landscape scale. Approximately 1,474 acres have been treated, using mastication and hand-thinning methods, under this phase of the project. Funding was provided from CAL FIRE and the Sierra Nevada Conservancy.
Treatment Map
Before Treatment
Photo Point 5: Pre Photo
May 29, 2019 at 10:51am
Bearing: N 76oE, Directed at large, tall cedar
After Treatment
Photo Point 5: Post Photo
February 3, 2020 at 12:07pm
Bearing: N 76oE, Directed at large, tall cedar
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